Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tim Burton's Batman movies vs Christopher Nolan's movies (Do not read if you a rabid fanboy of either side)

Let me be perfectly clear, I LOVE BOTH MOVIES. I love Batman 1989 because it helped introduce me to the world of Batman, and I love Nolan for his overall story telling. It keeps true to the comic book. Let's begin!

Let's start off with the music... it's no contest... AT ALL. While I praise James Newton Howard and Hans Zimmer and their music.. I'm just not feeling it from them here, it's like they are trying  too hard.. trying  to make us feel the emotion.. I'm sorry but things shouldn't be forced.. it should just feel natural and right. Danny Elfman's score in a whole does not have that against it, it actually feels like we are in Batman's world. From the main theme, to the ending he is the superior composer in Batman Noir.

Now the costume and design of the films.. I hate Batman's suits, gadgets, and rides  in the Nolan movies.. but I see why it doesn't work here and the answer may shock you.. it's too realistic.. and it's actually a good thing that it's realistic or else it will be detrimental to the style of his films, I will explain more later in the article about Nolan's style of filmmaking. Meanwhile in Burton's films, he hired a genius named ANTON FURST.. you  cannot get better than that, don't even TRY. Everything is memorable, from the Batarangs to Batmobile. Sorry folks, I gotta have to be biased here.. Burton wins easily here in this catergory.

(So badass!)
The  style and astehetics of the movies. Is it just me that I hate realism in comic boo movies? Okay hate is a strong  word.. I just don't care for it. In my opinion keep the realism out of my comic book movies. Nolan's one goal in his movies are this: keep it close to reality as possible. That is a good thing  and a bad thing in itself. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing my city of Chicago in a Batman movie, but please try to make look and FEEL like Gotham. Sorry Nolan, but the cheesy and brooding  version of Gotham City by Burton is superior. To me, that is Gotham City! Advantage Burton!

(That is still awesome in 2012!)

The supporting c cast of the movies. This is actually a hard one... NOT! Nolan wins easily here.. you  CANNOT beat out names like Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, and Ken Watanabe. Do I really have to explain why?

(I love this guy! The bat from Dracula beats the bat from Burton's movie)

The villains. I'll just say it.. Jack Nicholson is the superior Joker here... because he is a raving psychopath with a lot of personality that makes me like him even more even though he fried a person. Heath's Joker is weaker.. because I don't like how Nolan portrayed him like a terrorist.. enough of the post 9/11 bullcrap. The Joker to me is a showoffish, lunatic that doesn't use words as his weapon, he actually uses weapons. Sure Heath's does the same thing, but do we really have to hear The Joker explain why he is the way he is? To me.. no. Heath's joker is lifeless and is just there to create chaos and anarchy.. which is fine.. but I want my Joker to have a personality.. I just didn't feel it from him. BUT, neither directors lose this round. Batman Begins villians are FAR more interesting and developed then Batman Returns' villains. I love Liam Neeson, he is a powerhouse actor and is a perfect choice for Batman's teacher, and I actually liked Cillian Murphy as Scarecrow even though he was just a pawn for Ra's Al Ghul, but this pawn has more personality than The Joker's pawn Bob (and I FREAKING LOVE BOB!)  And really, I think the casting  of Danny Devito as The Penguin and Michelle as Catwoman.. but their characters suffer from lack of development. I like the Penguin more because I can understand why he is acting  this way, but he's a sexual deviant and has no clear motive for being evil except for society abandoning him. In short, It's a tie. Oh wait I almost forgot Two Face... oh shit.. It's Nolan winning here. Two face is executed perfectly in Nolan's movie.. Sorry Burt.. Advantage nolan!

(I still prefer Nicholson over ledger because of their personality.. you still won the villians round Nolan believers.)

Batman this time: both of these Batman's are good. But for different reasons, let's start with Bruce Wayne. I like both of these Bruce Wayne's, I like Nolan's version for the story arc of Wayne, and I like Burton's Bruce Wayne for the emotion  and the overall performance from Keaton. But Nolan's Bruce Wayne is superior because of consistency from movie to movie, I felt nothing  from Bruce Wayne from Returns. Nolan.

(I still don't like his performance... Michael Keaton is still the man!)
Batman... this is why I love my hobby. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I really like how THE NOSTALGIA CRITIC explained why he liked Burton's Batman character over Nolan. Keaton is the only one that can smile and look intimidating  at the same time, and plus I don't want my Batman sound like a chain smoker.. But let's get to the nitty gritty.. The reason why I like Burton's version of Batman over Nolan's is because he is downright freighting  and (no pun intended) Bat shit crazy. Batman in Nolan's movies, just looks like shit and I bumped into him.. I would laugh my ass off. But I really admire that Nolan explained why Bruce choose to be uniformed as a Bat.. just too bad it isn't properly executed. Burton

(Shocked Batman is Shocked!)
Guess what Folks.. I have Burton with the lead by one, so let's head into the final round; THE STORY.
The story.. I'm sorry to say this.. But Nolan wins easily from movie to movie, EVEN THOUGH Burton's first movie is superior to Nolan's first movie. I love story arcs, and I love the transformation from Bruce Wayne the lost child to Batman The  silent guardian of Gotham City. Let me explain this crystal clear... Nolan is to closeness to the original as Burton is to the average movie goer. Batman 1989 is a story... with no story. It's more like a introduction for movie goers, and it is a popcorn flick.. meanwhile Returns can go FUCK ITSELF. Nolan demonstrated his storytelling  genius with his movies.. the story is absolutely perfect. Advantage Nolan.

(Seriously, why? WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?!)

We are all tied up.. time for sudden death! This round will decide everything!
The overall package. I got to admit Nolan is a fantastic director but with limited imagination of the arts.. while Burton is an average director with a wonderful artistic vision. I am an artist myself, so I know what the hell I am talking  about. This is why I have to side with Burton here.. I like 3 things in movies.. but the most important thing is eye candy.. and I don't feel as though I am not in Gotham City in Nolan's movies. Don't get me wrong, Nolan's movies have atmosphere, but not where it counts and that is Gotham City. Burton has the visuals (That includes Returns which is by far one of the darkly gorgeous movies I have ever watched), the music, the  superior Batman, and the superior film franchise.

(Everyone knows this scene, any one remember a scene like this from Nolan's movies?)
Burton wins by 1... Goodnight and good luck!

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